- Scrutiny 8 0 11 – Suite Of Web Optimization Tools Free

Scrutiny 9.8.0 – Web optimization tool suite | 11.15 MB
Jixipix rip studio pro 1 1 90 degree. Scrutiny 9.8.0 is a suite of web optimization tools including link checking, SEO checks, Sitemap generation, page load speed test, html validation. Version 9 is a major update and includes these new features.
Description of Scrutiny 9.8.0. Scrutiny 9.8.0 is a suite of web optimization tools including link checking, SEO checks, Sitemap generation, page load speed test, html validation. Version 9 is a major update and includes these new features. Link checker; SEO analysis; XML sitemap generation, optionally include images / PDF pages. Scrutiny is a suite of web optimization tools. Native cocoa app (i.e., not Java) thus safe, fast and efficient. The download includes a 30-days free trial. Now supports Mjoave’s dark mode Features Link checker SEO analysis XML sitemap generation, optionally include images / PDF pages Insecure / mixed content reporting Page-load speed test Spelling and grammar. Scrutiny is a suite of web optimization tools. Native cocoa app (i.e., not Java) fast and efficient. 30-days free trial. This is a major update from v5. This is a completely free upgrade for v5 users and there is an upgrade path from v4.Features Link checker SEO analysis XML Sitemap gen. Scrutiny 5.4.1 Mac OS X » Download Free Warez News Scrutiny v6.1.5-Mac OSX Scrutiny 6 is a suite of web optimization tools including link checking, SEO checks, Sitemap generation, page load speed test, html validation. Improving the Performance of Government Employees: A. Scrutiny is a suite of web optimization tools. Native cocoa app (i.e., not Java) thus safe, fast and efficient. The download includes a 30-days free trial. Supports Mjoave's dark mode. Link checker, optionally check anchor points; SEO analysis; XML sitemap generation, optionally include images / video / PDF pages.
- Link checker
- SEO analysis
- XML sitemap generation, optionally include images / PDF pages
- Insecure / mixed content reporting
- Page-load speed test
- Spelling and grammar checking
- Scans sites requiring authentication
- Search your site (source or visible text) obtain a list of pages containing a search term or not containing a search term
- Website monitoring of as many URL’s as you like with a choice of alerts and logging
- Scheduling made easy with a few easy clicks
- On finish, send an email, save a report, open a file or AppleScript, FTP the sitemap XML, and other actions
- Opens and scans a list of links in HTML, CSV, plain text format, or XML sitemap
What’s New:
Version 9.8.0:
A number of fixes and enhancements related to the padlock in browser address bars. Different browsers have different criteria for displaying the padlock for a secure site.
The insecure content report will now include:
- Insecure urls found in certain meta tags, such as open graph or Twitter cards.
- Insecure images, whether hosted externally or not
- Insecure form action urls, even if the ‘check form action’ is switched off.
Here’s the full list of changes:
- Adds option to search certain meta tags for urls. Those urls will be link-checked and also checked to see whether they count as insecure / mixed content. The meta tags in question are meta name=, meta itemprop= and meta property=. This includes social media tags such as meta property=og:image
- Now correctly checks externally-hosted images to see whether they count as insecure / mixed content.
- Fixes some image urls that appear on css not being reported when in single page mode.
- Tidies up image alt text appearing as “[alt:][alt:]” (ie the alt text indicator duplicated)
- Form action urls are now always collected and reported so that they can be checked to see whether they count as insecure / mixed content. They will be link-checked or not depending on the ‘Check form actions’ option.
Compatibility: OS X 10.8 or later
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Scrutiny 8.3.1 – Web optimization tool suite
Scrutiny 8 is a suite of web optimization tools including link checking, SEO checks, Sitemap generation, page load speed test, html validation. Version 8 is a major update and includes these new features.
- Cleaner ‘task based’ interface
- Website monitoring of as many urls as you like with alerts on screen or by email, plus written to a log file
- Able to scan pdf documents for links
- Scheduling made easy with a few easy clicks (the old method using iCal will still work)
- On finish of a scheduled or manual scan, Scrutiny 5 can send an email, save a report, open a file or applescript, ftp the sitemap xml and other actions
- Opens and scans a list of links in html, plain text format or xml sitemap (automatically detected)
- Improved page analysis – finds more elements making up a page
- Scan a site for pages containing specific text
What’s New:
Alfred 4 0 3 0. Version 8.3.0:
- Improvements to saving sitemap xml:
- Better error handling and reporting
- When large sitemap is broken into multiple files, these are saved into a new folder at the location that the user chooses
- Option added to prevent splitting of large XML file (There isn’t a switch in the interface but must be set using the Terminal)
- Adds built-in error/debug console which can help us give support
- Canonical url (if pointing to a different page than the page it appears on) has always been collected and shown in the SEO table, now they are also shown (if they point to a different page) as a link instance in the links results tables
- Testing and reporting image urls within style sheets was listed in release notes for 8.2 but not fully implemented. Now fully working
- On systems 10.12+, new windows will open as tabs in a single scrutiny window. it’s possible to drag these out if you want a tab to be a separate window, or ‘Merge all windows’ if you want separate windows to be tabs in a single window

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Scrutiny 8 0 11 – Suite Of Web Optimization Tools